Directions: Have your child point to the long boat. Next have her point to the short boat. Have your child draw a circle around the short boat using a red crayon.
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Give him crayons of different colors. Have him color the car.
Directions: Have your child start at the black dot and trace the straight lines from top to bottom using a green crayon. Next have him trace each curved line from top to bottom.
Directions: Place blocks on the floor. Encourage your child's observation skills by describing blocks for him to find. Use words that help him focus on the color, for example...
Directions: Have your child look for the letter T. Then have her color in all the spaces with a T using a red crayon.
Directions: Have your child look at the picture and mimic you. Stand on the floor. Walk your feet about three feet apart. Lift your arms up and extend them out directly from ...
Directions: Place a stuffed toy cat in your baby's hands and let her explore freely. Because your baby will put the cat in his mouth, provide close supervision and be sure th...
Directions: While sitting together, hold your toddler's hand and together run her finger along the letter B. Point to the three colored boats and name them (green boat, blue ...
Directions: Inside the house, stand four feet behind your child. Ask him to walk backward toward you. It takes a lot of balance to do this without falling. Keep practicing!
Directions: Have your child use a pencil to circle the pictures that start with the letter P sound: PUH. Next ask her to fill in the letter P in the boxes P appears in.
Directions: Have your child look at the boats. Take out finger paints in red and blue and have him paint the boat scene. Ask him what color he gets when he mixes red and blue...
Directions: Read the rhyme to your child. Have him practice being a plane and landing on a runway.