Directions: Have your child color the plane using red, yellow, and blue crayons. Ask him to practice coloring inside the lines.
Directions: Together look at the picture in the box. Have your child stand next to you. Demonstrate squatting. Have him mimic you.
Directions: With your child point in the box and look at the picture for the sign car. Say the word out loud while showing your child the sign.
Directions: Every month use the chart below to record your child's height, weight, naptimes, favorite food, song, and toy, and any other milestones you want to remember.
Directions: Sit on the floor facing your baby. Begin by raising your arms above your head as you say "up high". Once you have your baby's attention, see if she raises her arm...
Directions: Look at the dogs below with your child. Ask your child to point to the big dog (give cue by pointing). Have your child color the big dog using a brown crayon. Nex...
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Have him color the picture of the dog.
Directions: Each picture is grouped with two letters. Have your child use a pencil to draw a line to connect the picture to the letter it starts with.
Directions: With your child look at the picture. Ask your child to point to the boat that is in the water. Then have her point to the boat that is out of the water. Let her c...
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child and have her color the picture. Then have her tell you what the cat is thinking, and you write it in the thought bubble.
Directions: Have your child stand on the ground and throw feathers or some other light objects like cotton balls up in the air. Have him try to catch the objects with his han...
Directions: Ask your child to put out his arms. Then have him raise his arms up to his shoulders. Read the chant below while your child flies around the house.