Directions: Ask your child what picture she sees: boat. Then ask her to tell you one word that starts with the letter B, BUH: boat. Next have her trace each letter B by follo...
Directions: Have your child point to the king. Ask him to say what it is a picture of and the letter it starts with: K. Ask him what sound the letter makes: KUH. Have your ch...
Directions: Starting with the top row, have your child start at the black dot and trace each straight line then each curved line from top to bottom using a black crayon. On t...
Directions: Have your child use a pencil to trace the heart and rectangle. Then have him connect the dots to draw in the rest of the heart and rectangle that are missing thei...
Directions: Ask your child to color in all of the big trains at the top. Have her draw a circle around all of the small trains at the bottom.
Directions: Ask your child to use a pencil to trace the number 4 on the line. Have your child find the number 4 on the birds in the tree. Ask her to draw a circle around each...
Directions: Look at the picture below with your child. Lie on your back then slowly raise your legs up straight toward the sky. Flex your feet, spread your arms out to either...
Directions: Point to the fish teething ring in the baby's mouth. Say the rhyme below to your baby. The first time, say the rhyme in a louder voice and the second time in a so...
Directions: Look at the picture with your child. Ask your child to point to the bird on the bed. Give her a green crayon and have her color the bird on the bed.
Directions: Have your child use a pencil to trace the circles and squares. Then have him color in the shapes in any color.
Directions: Have your child say the name of each picture. Have her draw a circle around the C in each name using a pencil. Then ask her to draw a line under the object that s...
Directions: Hold your baby sitting up in your lap or across your knee. Support his chest and head with one hand by cradling his chin in the palm of your hand and resting the ...