Directions: Ask your child what letter she sees at the top: F. Say the letter sound "FUH"; have her repeat it. Ask her what word starts with the letter F: fish. Have your chi...
Directions: Look at the plane. Have your child trace the lines from top to bottom with her pointer finger (starting at the green dot and stopping at the red dot). Then have h...
Directions: Point to the dotted letter T on the page. Say "T" and have your child repeat after you. First have her trace the letter T with her pointer finger (starting at the...
Directions: Say "K, KUH;" have your child repeat it. Have your child circle each letter K in the box using a brown crayon. Then ask her to trace each letter K on the lines be...
Directions: Have your child look at the pictures. Have him follow the directions below: Write a 1 under the picture that happened first; write a 2 under the picture that happ...
Directions: Show your child the pictures below. First have her trace the curved lines with her pointer finger (starting at the green dot and stopping at the red dot). Next ha...
Directions: Have your child say the name of the shape on the wheels of the car: "circle". Next have him say the name of the shape of the windows on the car: "square". Have hi...
Directions: Ask your child to trace the first line from top to bottom. Then have her make three of her own lines from top to bottom. Now have her trace the curved lines from ...
Directions: Say the letter P aloud. Have your child say the name of each of the four pictures (car, pig, puzzle, and plane). Ask her to draw a circle around the letter P at t...
Directions: Using the four crayon colors, ask your child to color the train picture according to what number and color is on the key.
Directions: Point to the picture of the cat. Read the rhyme and do the actions below with your infant. You can also sign the rhyme to the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot". Liste...