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Cognitive More Or Less

Directions: Have your child count the cars in each group. Ask him to use a green crayon to circle the group that has more cars. Then have him circle the group that has fewer ...

Language Letter K

Directions: Say the name of each of the four pictures (kitten, kite, key, and fork). Have your child draw a line from each K to each picture that starts with K, KUH using a b...

Language Curved Lines

Directions: Have your child start at the black dot and trace the four curved lines using a green crayon.

Language Letter K

Directions: Point to the letter K at the top of the page. Say "K, KUH". Point to the kitten and ask your child what it is. Then point to the word and say, "kitten". Have your...

Language Left To Right, Top To Bottom

Directions: Have your child trace the lines from left to right with an orange crayon starting at the black dots. Then have her trace each line below from top to bottom, start...

Cognitive Long And Short

Directions: Have your child point to the long fish on top of the line. Next have him point to the short fish on top of the line. Have him draw a circle around all of the long...

Language Letter D

Directions: Point to the letter and say "D, DUH". Have your child say "D, DUH". Help her trace the inside of the D with her pointer finger, starting at the green dot and stop...

Creative Choo-Choo Train

Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Have him act out the motions and make the sounds.

Language Letter T

Directions: Point to the letter T at the top of the page and say "T, T U H". Point to the word train and say "train". Have your child use a pencil to trace the letter T on th...

Language Letter P

Directions: Point to the letter P and say "P, P U H". Read the word plane aloud and point to the word. Have her trace the letter P using a pencil. Ask her to use the blank li...

Language Slanted Lines

Directions: Starting with the cat at the top, hold your child's pointer finger to trace the line from top to bottom (use words start and stop). Encourage your child to color ...

Language Letter P

Directions: Point to the parrot and say "parrot". Have your child repeat it. Do the same for the word parrot. Have her trace the letter P with her pointer finger (starting at...