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Cognitive Number Three

Directions: Directions: Point to the word three and say it out loud; have your child repeat it. Next have her trace each number 3 starting at the black dot and following the ...

Cognitive Big And Small

Directions: Ask your child to color each big train purple and each small train green. Then have him draw lines from each big train to each small train.

Cognitive Number Four

Directions: Read the word at the top aloud, "four". Then have your child trace each number 4 starting at each of the black dots and following the arrows 1, 2. Have her count ...

Cognitive Circle

Directions: Point to the three circular life preservers on the page. Say "circle" to your child. Have her repeat the word circle after you. Have her color in the three life p...

Cognitive Number Four

Directions: Point to and say the number 4 on the page and have your child repeat after you. Using his pointer finger, have him count the four birds in the cage. Next have him...

Cognitive Number One

Directions: Starting at the first picture, have your child use a pencil to circle one object in each of the four boxes. Trace and write the number 1 on the line below.

Cognitive Rectangle, Square, Heart

Directions: Say the name of the shapes on the cat: "rectangle, square, and heart". Have your child trace the lines of the rectangle, square, and heart on the cat using a brow...

Cognitive Rectangle

Directions: Point to the shape on the cat and say "rectangle" to your child. Have her repeat the word rectangle after you. Have her color in the rectangles using a brown crayon.

Cognitive Down And Up

Directions: Have your child point to the plane down on the ground. Ask him to point at the plane up in the sky. Have him draw a line from the plane on the ground to the plane...

Cognitive Blocks

Directions: Say, "Blocks, let's play with blocks". Place four to five blocks in front of your infant. Let her handle, pick up, put down, and explore the blocks freely. Follow...

Cognitive Number Four

Directions: Ask your child to circle four objects together in a box using a pencil. Next have him trace the number 4 in each box and on the line. Then have him practice writi...

Cognitive Number Four

Directions: Ask your child to tell you what number she sees at the top of the page: four. With your help have her count all four of the boats. Then follow the arrows 1 and 2 ...