Directions: Have your child look at the pictures in each section below to determine if the boats are short or long. Have him use a pencil to circle all the short colored boat...
Directions: Point to the rectangles on the fish and say, "rectangle" out loud to your child. Have him repeat the word rectangle after you. Have him color in the rectangles us...
Directions: Ask your child to color the cats on top of the carpet brown. Then have him draw a cat's face in the picture on the bottom.
Directions: Ask your child to look at the number on the page and tell you what it is: number 3. Have him follow the arrows numbered 1, 2, 3 to trace the number 3 using a blue...
Directions: Have your child use a pencil. Count the dogs in each group out loud. Then draw a circle around the number that tells how many there are.
Directions: Point to the rectangle inside the dog and say "rectangle" to your child. Have her repeat the word rectangle after you. Have her use a black crayon to color in the...
Directions: Ask your child to look at the long boats in the water. Then have her draw a circle around all of the short boats in the water.
Directions: Point to the circular windows on the plane and say "circle" to your child. Have him repeat the word circle after you. Have him color in the windows using a yellow...
Directions: Have your child count the planes up in the sky. Ask him to circle the planes in the sky using a pencil. Have your child count the planes down on the ground. Ask h...
Directions: Have your child use blue, yellow, and red crayons to color the rectangles and hearts according to the color of the fish to the left.
Directions: Have your child look at the number 1 and say "one". Ask her to count how many trains she sees: one. Ask her to follow the arrows 1, 2, 3 to trace each number 1 us...
Directions: Ask your child what shape she sees on the fish: rectangle. Then ask what shape she sees under the fish: heart. Starting at the black dot have her trace both recta...