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Language Left To Right, Top To Bottom

Directions: Have your child use a pencil to trace the dashed line from left to right. Then have him draw a line on his own. Next have him trace the dashed line from top to bo...

Cognitive Number Three

Directions: Ask your child to trace the number 3 on the line below. Then have her circle each fish that appears three times.

Language Letter K

Directions: Have your child point to the king. Ask him to say what it is a picture of and the letter it starts with: K. Ask him what sound the letter makes: KUH. Have your ch...

Cognitive Heart And Rectangle

Directions: Have your child use a pencil to trace the heart and rectangle. Then have him connect the dots to draw in the rest of the heart and rectangle that are missing thei...

Cognitive Number Four

Directions: Ask your child to use a pencil to trace the number 4 on the line. Have your child find the number 4 on the birds in the tree. Ask her to draw a circle around each...

Cognitive Circles And Squares

Directions: Have your child use a pencil to trace the circles and squares. Then have him color in the shapes in any color.

Language Letter C

Directions: Have your child say the name of each picture. Have her draw a circle around the C in each name using a pencil. Then ask her to draw a line under the object that s...

Physical Animal Movements

Directions: Have your child start from a sitting position on the floor. As you say each line of the rhyme, have your child listen and move as directed.

Social Emotional My Favorite Outfit

Directions: Ask your child, "Do you have a favorite outfit that you love to wear? What is it?" Then tell her what your favorite outfit is. Have your child draw a picture of h...

Cognitive Circles And Squares

Directions: Have your child use a pencil to trace the circle and square under the train. Then have him connect the dots to draw in the rest of the circle and square below tha...

Language Letter F

Directions: Each picture is grouped with two letters. Have your child use a pencil to draw a line to connect the picture to the letter it starts with.

Language Top To Bottom, Left To Right

Directions: Have your child use a pencil to trace the lines above the fish from top to bottom. Then ask her to trace the lines below the fish from left to right.