Directions: Have your child trace the straight lines from top to bottom with a pencil. Now have her trace the curved line. Then ask her to draw the rest of the curved line th...
Directions: Explain to your child germs can be found on your hands. They are very small and can cause people to get sick. Have your child color the germs on the hands below u...
Directions: Have your child look at the letter D at the top of the page and say, "D, DUH". Have your child repeat after you. Ask her to trace the letter D on the first row fo...
Directions: With your child read each word: sad, angry, happy. Have her draw in a face to match the emotions. For blue draw in a sad face. For red draw in an angry face. For ...
Directions: Point to the letter K at the top of the page. Say "K, KUH". Point to the kitten and ask your child what it is. Then point to the word and say, "kitten". Have your...
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Have him act out the motions and make the sounds.
Directions: Point to the letter T at the top of the page and say "T, T U H". Point to the word train and say "train". Have your child use a pencil to trace the letter T on th...
Directions: Point to the letter P and say "P, P U H". Read the word plane aloud and point to the word. Have her trace the letter P using a pencil. Ask her to use the blank li...
Directions: Have your child look at the pictures. Have him follow the directions below: Write a 1 under the picture that happened first; write a 2 under the picture that happ...
Directions: Using the four crayon colors, ask your child to color the train picture according to what number and color is on the key.
Directions: Ask your child to trace the first line from top to bottom. Then have her make three of her own lines from top to bottom. Now have her trace the curved lines from ...
Directions: Have your child say the name of each picture. Using a pencil, have her draw a circle around the B in each name. Then ask her to draw a line under the object that ...