Directions: Have your child color the mama cat and her kitten using crayons of different colors.
Directions: Cut up half of a banana into very small pieces. Encourage her to eat with her hands by modeling first and then letting her try.
Directions: Place your toddler on top of an exercise ball. Hold his legs and let him lean and grasp wherever he needs to feel safe. Then lay him on top of his belly on the ba...
Directions: Point to the top letter F and say "F". Ask, "Can you point to the letter F?" Give cue. Next point to the fish and say "fish". Ask, "Can you point to the fish?" Gi...
Directions: Ask your child to count the birds up in the tree. Then have her count the birds down on the ground. Have her color all of birds up in the tree with a red crayon. ...
Directions: Have your child pick a red and blue crayon. Ask him to color the wheels red and the rest of the train red and blue. Ask, "What new color did you make when you mix...
Directions: Point to the number 2. Say "two" and have your child repeat after you. Count the number of buses together: "One, two". First have her trace the number 2 with her ...
Directions: Cut fruit into bite-sized pieces. Have child put in a bowl. Yum!
Directions: Using green construction paper and the fish shape below as a guide, cut out five fish. Place cutout fish in various places around a room. Ask your child to crawl ...
Directions: Give your child a beanbag. Ask her to place it between her legs and try to walk around the room without the beanbag falling to the floor. Give cues by telling you...
Directions: Lay on your back on the floor, bounce your baby securely on your shins holding on to her body. Make sure your legs are moving, not your pelvis, as you bounce. Whe...
Directions: Give your child a ball and ask him to toss it to you. Toss the ball back to your child. Repeat the process several times. Have him use different colored crayons t...