Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Have her color the pugs below.
Directions: Point to the shape on the cat and say "rectangle" to your child. Have her repeat the word rectangle after you. Have her color in the rectangles using a brown crayon.
Directions: Say the name of the shapes on the cat: "rectangle, square, and heart". Have your child trace the lines of the rectangle, square, and heart on the cat using a brow...
Directions: Have your child start at the black dot and trace the straight lines top to bottom using a black crayon. Then ask him to trace the curved lines top to bottom.
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Have her color the cat picture with different color crayons.
Directions: Say, "Blocks, let's play with blocks". Place four to five blocks in front of your infant. Let her handle, pick up, put down, and explore the blocks freely. Follow...
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Give him crayons of different colors. Have him color the plane.
Directions: Have your child point to the plane down on the ground. Ask him to point at the plane up in the sky. Have him draw a line from the plane on the ground to the plane...
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Give him crayons of different colors. Have him color the train.
Directions: Look in a mirror with your child. Ask your child what color hair she has. Find a crayon color that best matches that color and have your child color in the boy's ...
Directions: Sit with your child and look at the numbered boxes starting with number 1. Ask your child what she sees (toothbrush, toothbrush with toothpaste, child brushing te...
Directions: Ask your child to circle four objects together in a box using a pencil. Next have him trace the number 4 in each box and on the line. Then have him practice writi...