Directions: Directions: Point to the word three and say it out loud; have your child repeat it. Next have her trace each number 3 starting at the black dot and following the ...
Directions: Have your child start at the number 1 and connect the dots to complete the rest of the train using a purple crayon. Next have her color the entire train purple.
Directions: Point to the three circular life preservers on the page. Say "circle" to your child. Have her repeat the word circle after you. Have her color in the three life p...
Directions: Read the word at the top aloud, "four". Then have your child trace each number 4 starting at each of the black dots and following the arrows 1, 2. Have her count ...
Directions: Give your child different color crayons. Have her color the birds below; encourage her to color inside the lines.
Directions: With your child point to and look at the picture of the sign for please. Say the word please out loud while showing your child the sign.
Directions: When you anticipate that your baby is hungry, ask him, "Do you want some milk? Are you ready for some milk?" Sit your baby on your lap so that he is facing you an...
Directions: Starting at the first picture, have your child use a pencil to circle one object in each of the four boxes. Trace and write the number 1 on the line below.
Directions: Have your child look at the pictures in each section below to determine if the boats are short or long. Have him use a pencil to circle all the short colored boat...
Directions: Have your child use lots of different colored crayons to color the fish and the underwater environment below.
Directions: With your child point and look at the picture of the sign for the word green. Say the word green out loud while showing your child the sign.
Directions: With your child, point to the small picture at the top and say "black dog". Have her repeat after you. Have your child color the big dog below using a black crayon.