Directions: Ask your child to use orange and red crayons to color the two fish. Then have her use crayons of any color to finish the picture.
Directions: Give your child blue and yellow finger paints. Have him begin with the blue paint, followed by the yellow paint on top of the blue. Have your child paint the enti...
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Give her crayons of different colors. Have her color the kitty in the basket.
Directions: Have your child look at the picture of the bird on the branch. Give her finger paints to paint the picture with her fingers.
Directions: Give your child a blue and red crayon. Have him color the trains below. Praise him for how well he colors the entire picture regardless of whether he stays in the...
Directions: Have your child start at the number 1 and connect the dots to complete the rest of the cat using a brown crayon. Next have her color the entire cat brown.
Directions: Point to the car in the middle and ask your child to say what color the car is: "green". Have him color in all four of the pictures using a green crayon.
Directions: With your child, point to the purple train at the top of the page and say "purple". Have him repeat after you. Have him color the train using a purple crayon.
Directions: With your child, point to engines on the plane and say "blue". Have her repeat after you. Have her color the plane below using a blue crayon.
Directions: Get out brown, black, orange, and peach crayons. Ask your child to color the kitten picture according to what number and color is on the key.
Directions: With your child point to the little parrot at the top of the page and say "green parrot". Have her repeat after you. Have her color the big parrot using a green c...
Directions: Give your child a blue and green crayon. Have him color the planes below, praising him for using both green and blue, regardless of the end result.