Directions: Have your child point to the plane and say what color he sees: "blue". Have him color in the picture using a blue crayon.
Directions: Read the and do the action rhyme below with your child. Have her color the paper airplanes.
Directions: Say the rhyme below to your child and have him color the pictures.
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Ask him to color the train picture below.
Directions: Point to the picture of the plane. Say the rhyme below to your baby. The first time say the rhyme in a louder voice and the second time in a softer voice.
Directions: Have your child pick a red and blue crayon. Ask him to color the wheels red and the rest of the train red and blue. Ask, "What new color did you make when you mix...
Directions: Have your child color the mama cat and her kitten using crayons of different colors.
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Give her crayons of different colors. Have her color the dog.
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Have her color in the kitten in the basket using brown, gold, and maroon crayons.
Directions: Give your child different color crayons. Have her color the birds below; encourage her to color inside the lines.
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Tell her together you will fill in the words that are missing. All of the words rhyme with knee (sea, bee, me, be, see).
Directions: Give your child a brown and an orange crayon. Have her color the cats below. Praise her for how well she colors the entire picture regardless of whether she stays...