Directions: Place your toddler on top of an exercise ball. Hold his legs and let him lean and grasp wherever he needs to feel safe. Then lay him on top of his belly on the ba...
Directions: Using green construction paper and the fish shape below as a guide, cut out five fish. Place cutout fish in various places around a room. Ask your child to crawl ...
Directions: Use a bottle of bubbles or make your own bubble mix. Blow bubbles and encourage your child to step on them as they hit the ground or catch them as they float.
Directions: Take your toddler walking on grass. This will help her learn how to place her feet to keep her balance. Have your child color the picture below before you go.
Directions: Show your child the green car at the top. Ask her to point to the green car. Next have her color the car below using a green crayon.
Directions: Sit with your child. Start with the picture at the top. Say, "[insert child's name] is getting her hands wet. "Look at the middle picture and say, "[Child's name]...
Directions: Give your child a toy train and place the toy on the floor. Ask him to walk around pushing the train in front of him. Give him praise for not falling while walking.
Directions: Every month use the chart below to record your child's height, weight, hairstyle, favorite colors and songs, and any new words she may have learned.
Directions: Point to the hair on the girl below and say, "brown hair". With your child look in a mirror and ask her to point to her hair. Tell your child the color of her hai...
Directions: Point to the red boat and say, "red boat". Have your child use a red crayon to color the boat below.
Directions: Give your child a ball and ask her to throw it to you, and then throw it back. Start off a foot away from her, and then gradually increase the space up to three f...
Directions: Do the rhyming activity below with your child. Have her color the picture.