Directions: Help your infant learn about different emotions by making faces at him and encouraging him to copy you. Say the name of the emotion as you make the face. Stick to...
Directions: Point to the fish teething ring in the baby's mouth. Say the rhyme below to your baby. The first time, say the rhyme in a louder voice and the second time in a so...
Directions: Hold your baby sitting up in your lap or across your knee. Support his chest and head with one hand by cradling his chin in the palm of your hand and resting the ...
Directions: Show a new picture book about cars to your child. Point to the pictures as you read the book.
Directions: Point to the picture of the train. Read the action rhyme and do the actions below with your infant.
Directions: Look at the illustrations of babies below. Point to each picture and say the expression the baby has in the picture.
Directions: Place your baby on the floor. Then roll a toy and give it back to your baby. Encourage him to imitate your actions and explore the toy in various ways. Encourage ...
Directions: Every month use the chart below to record your child's height, weight, naptimes, favorite food, song, and toy, and any other milestones you want to remember.
Directions: Sit on the floor facing your baby. Begin by raising your arms above your head as you say "up high". Once you have your baby's attention, see if she raises her arm...
Directions: Sit with your baby on the floor with two stuffed animals. Pick up each animal and say the name of the animal. Then say the sound the animal makes. Repeat the same...
Directions: Teach your infant new sounds while engaging him in interactive conversations when he's babbling. Repeat the sounds your infant makes and then add some new sounds ...
Directions: Sit on the floor with your baby. Use a play phone to demonstrate how to hold the phone to your ear and talk. Then give the phone to your baby and let her explore....