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Language Letter F

Directions: Have your child trace the letter F. Then read the phrase four fish aloud. Then have her trace the letters F in the phrase.

Language Letter P

Directions: Have your child say the name of each picture. Then have her use a pencil to trace the letter P on each line.

Language Top To Bottom, Slanted

Directions: Have your child trace each straight line from top to bottom using a pencil. Then ask him to trace each slanted line from top to bottom.

Language Sign Language

Directions: Sit your baby on your lap so that he is facing you. Say the word hear out loud while showing your baby the sign for hear.

Language Left To Right, Top To Bottom

Directions: Have your child use a pencil to trace the dashed line from left to right. Then have him draw a line on his own. Next have him trace the dashed line from top to bo...

Language Left To Right

Directions: Starting with the train on the left, help your child finger trace the line from left to right with her pointer finger, stopping at the train on the right (use wor...

Language Letter B

Directions: Say aloud, "B, BUH". Have your child say the name of each of the pictures (boat, coat, ball, and banana). Have your child draw a circle around the letter B at the...

Language Where Is It?

Directions: Once your infant begins to point at objects, start playing the game "Where is that?" Your infant will be excited to show you all of the things she knows. Walk thr...

Language I Can Read

Directions: Let your child explore books at every opportunity. Rather than talking about the pictures in the book, give your baby the opportunity to explore the book himself....

Language Left To Right And Top To Bottom

Directions: Starting at the black dot have your child trace the lines from left to right using a purple crayon. Then ask her to trace the lines from top to bottom.

Language Letter B

Directions: Ask your child what picture she sees: boat. Then ask her to tell you one word that starts with the letter B, BUH: boat. Next have her trace each letter B by follo...

Language Letter D

Directions: Starting with the top row, have your child start at the black dot and trace each straight line then each curved line from top to bottom using a black crayon. On t...