Directions: With your child point in the box and look at the picture for the sign car. Say the word out loud while showing your child the sign.
Directions: Grab a piece of tissue. Have your child take a deep breath, hold the tissue about an inch from his face, and see if he can move it by blowing the air from his nos...
Directions: After a family meal simply ask your toddler to carry her plate to the sink. Be encouraging and give praise: "Can you be a really helpful big girl and carry your p...
Directions: Put a mirror in front of your infant. While your infant is looking in the mirror, point to each of his facial features and name them: nose, eyes, ears, and mouth.
Directions: With your child point to and look at the picture of the sign for sleep in the box. Say the word out loud while showing your child the sign. Have your child imitat...
Directions: Point to the three faces below in order from left to right. Explain to your child that people show they feel happy by smiling. Have your child color in the happy ...
Directions: Together with your child look at the squares. Starting at the blue square go around clockwise and read each step, then do it together. Explain that this is what w...
Directions: During bath time with your baby add a song and some silly sounds. Don't be shy - your baby will love it even if you are off key. Sing the simple song below to the...
Directions: With your child look at and point to the picture of the sign for toy. Say the word toy out loud while showing your child the sign.
Directions: Have your child look at the yellow happy face at the top of the page. Have her use a pencil to finish drawing in the happy faces on the two circles to the left. T...
Directions: Use pretend play as a chance to talk about feelings. Using a doll or stuffed animal in your play say to your child, "Kitty is sad because he fell down and got a b...
Directions: Take turns with your child playing on the computer and clicking on the mouse. For example, "Jenny, it's your turn! Here is the mouse for you to use."