Directions: Have your child look at the yellow happy face at the top of the page. Have her use a pencil to finish drawing in the happy faces on the two circles to the left. T...
Directions: Hold your infant's hands or place your hands under her arms and help her take steps around the room. While you are walking chant the rhyme below.
Directions: With your child, point to the purple train at the top of the page and say "purple". Have him repeat after you. Have him color the train using a purple crayon.
Directions: With your child, point to engines on the plane and say "blue". Have her repeat after you. Have her color the plane below using a blue crayon.
Directions: Point to the number 1 on the page. Say "one" out loud, and have your child repeat after you. First have her trace the number 1 with her pointer finger (starting a...
Directions: Side view of a dog: Lay out the two pear halves on a plate, as shown. Use the slices of apricot to make the dog's legs, tail, mouth, and ear. Use raisins for the ...
Directions: Get out brown, black, orange, and peach crayons. Ask your child to color the kitten picture according to what number and color is on the key.
Directions: With your child point to the little parrot at the top of the page and say "green parrot". Have her repeat after you. Have her color the big parrot using a green c...
Directions: Using colored chalk draw three fish on the ground in a line. Have your child start at the first fish and hop to the next one, then the next one. Then have him hop...
Directions: Roll a ball to your child. Let him kick the ball back to you. Introduce the game using a small ball, then increase to a medium-sized ball.
Directions: Show your child the word up on the page and ask her what the bird sees up. Then show her the word down and ask her what the bird sees down
Directions: Have your child stand up. Give him two toy boats, one for each hand. Have him raise his arms to his shoulders and move his arms up and down. Repeat several times.