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Language Letter C

Directions: Point to the letter on the page and say "C" to your child. Then have your child say "C" with you. Help your child trace the inside of the C with her pointer finge...

Language Curved Lines

Directions: Show your child the pictures below. First have her trace the curved lines with her pointer finger (starting at the green dot and stopping at the red dot). Next ha...

Language Letter T

Directions: Point to the letter T in the word train showed three times. Say the letter "T" and have your child repeat after you. Have her use a purple crayon to draw a circle...

Language Letter T

Directions: Have your child say the letter at the top of the page: "T". Have your child circle each letter T in the box using a purple crayon. Then ask her to trace each lett...

Health & Care Germs

Directions: Explain to your child germs can be found on your hands. They are very small and can cause people to get sick. Have your child color the germs on the hands below u...

Language Letter D

Directions: Have your child look at the letter D at the top of the page and say, "D, DUH". Have your child repeat after you. Ask her to trace the letter D on the first row fo...

Language Letter F

Directions: Point to the F and say "F, FUH". Point to the word fish and the picture of the fish and say "fish". Say the name of each picture together. Have your child raw a c...

Language Letter P

Directions: With your child, point to the letter P in the middle of the page. Say "P" and have your child repeat after you. Have her draw a circle around each letter P at the...

Creative Footprint Puppy

Directions: Take your baby's foot and press it on an inkpad. Then press her foot on the paper to make a footprint. Use the image below for guidance. When print dries draw in ...

Language Left To Right

Directions: Show your child the two pictures below. First have her trace the lines from left to right with her pointer finger (starting at the green dot and stopping at the r...

Language Sign Language

Directions: Sit your baby on the floor so that he is facing you. Say the word animal out loud while showing your baby the sign for animal. If you have a stuffed animal, make ...

Social Emotional Happy, Sad, Angry

Directions: With your child read each word: sad, angry, happy. Have her draw in a face to match the emotions. For blue draw in a sad face. For red draw in an angry face. For ...