Commit Yourself
You need to commit quality time to raising your child. We have done everything else for you - created the Whole Child Program that covers everything you need to be a successful parent.
Educate Yourself
Addressing the whole child means knowing about the developmental milestones your child will experience at each age. The Parent Academy App makes easy to understand and follow this milestones
Create The Right Environment
Setting up an environment where your whole child will thrive plays a large role in all six areas of their development and it is important to have age-appropriate materials and furniture.
Use The Right Educational Materials
The Whole Child Program has created developmentally appropriate activities, worksheets , educational materials and age appropriate toys for children that are both fun and educational.
Test plan & Measure (stay on track)
Once you have set up your environment, the Whole Child Program makes staying on track easier by providing you with assessment and time planning tools.