Directions: Give your child red and blue finger paint. Ask him to blend and mix the paints together while using his fingers and hands to paint the picture below. Ask him what...
Directions: During bath time with your baby add a song and some silly sounds. Don't be shy - your baby will love it even if you are off key. Sing the simple song below to the...
Directions: Have your child use a pencil to trace the rectangles and hearts. On the empty line have her draw her own rectangle.
Directions: Have your child look at the letter C at the top of the page and say "C". Point to the word car and say, "C, KUH, car". Ask her to use a pencil to trace the letter...
Directions: Ask your child to use orange and red crayons to color the two fish. Then have her use crayons of any color to finish the picture.
Directions: Sit on the floor with your infant and sing the following action rhyme to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". Do the motions along with the rhyme.
Directions: Give your child blue and yellow finger paints. Have him begin with the blue paint, followed by the yellow paint on top of the blue. Have your child paint the enti...
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Give her crayons of different colors. Have her color the kitty in the basket.
Directions: Place your baby on the floor and then give him a shape sorter "puzzle" to play with. Watch how your baby picks up and explores each shape as he begins to understa...
Directions: Point to the number 2 on the page. Say "two" out loud and have your child repeat after you. First have her trace the number 2 with her pointer finger (starting at...
Directions: With your child look at and point to the picture of the sign for toy. Say the word toy out loud while showing your child the sign.
Directions: Have your child look at the picture of the bird on the branch. Give her finger paints to paint the picture with her fingers.