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Creative Red

Directions: Have your child color the bottom of the boat red. Color the sail using white and red crayons. Use other colors to color in the sun and clouds.

Physical Moving On Different Surfaces

Directions: Take your toddler walking on grass. This will help her learn how to place her feet to keep her balance. Have your child color the picture below before you go.

Cognitive Short And Long

Directions: Have your child look at the pictures in each section below to determine if the boats are short or long. Have him use a pencil to circle all the short colored boat...

Health & Care Monthly Development Log

Directions: Every month use the chart below to record your child's height, weight, and favorite things.

Cognitive Rectangle

Directions: Point to the rectangles on the fish and say, "rectangle" out loud to your child. Have him repeat the word rectangle after you. Have him color in the rectangles us...

Physical Hit The Fish

Directions: Cut out three fish from colored paper. Spread them out on the floor. Have your child walk while bouncing a ball three times on each colored fish.

Cognitive Top And Bottom

Directions: Ask your child to color the cats on top of the carpet brown. Then have him draw a cat's face in the picture on the bottom.

Cognitive Number Four

Directions: Ask your child to tell you what number she sees at the top of the page: four. With your help have her count all four of the boats. Then follow the arrows 1 and 2 ...

Creative Pointillism Painting

Directions: Set out black and brown finger paint in small cups with two Q-tips. Have your child dab the Q-tip with the paint onto the picture.

Health & Care Litter

Directions: Sit with your child and show him the picture. Ask him what he sees in the picture. Explain to your child that having trash on the ground is bad for people and ani...

Cognitive Number Two

Directions: Have your child use a pencil. Count the dogs in each group out loud. Then draw a circle around the number that tells how many there are.

Cognitive Number Three

Directions: Ask your child to look at the number on the page and tell you what it is: number 3. Have him follow the arrows numbered 1, 2, 3 to trace the number 3 using a blue...