Directions: With your child point to the little boat at the top of the page and say "red boat". Have her repeat after you. Have your child color the boat below using a red cr...
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Have him color the picture below.
Directions: With your child, point to the picture at the top of the page and say "green car". Have him repeat after you. Have your child color the car below using a green cra...
Directions: Start with feet spread apart and arms extended out to the sides. Bend over at the waist and tap the left hand to the left foot. Stand back up again and then bend ...
Directions: Look at the pictures below and show your child how to make the sign for house.
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Give him crayons of different colors. Have him color the fish.
Directions: Look in a mirror with your child. Ask her to look at the eye color choices below. Find a crayon color that best matches her eye color, and have her color in her e...
Directions: Do the rhyming activity below with your child. Have her color the picture.
Directions: Read aloud to your child each word below: big, small. Have her circle the word that matches the size of the dog and bone on top of the line. Then do the same for ...
Directions: Cook your hot dog. Cut the top of a hamburger bun to look like the one above, placing raisins in for eyes and nose. Place the hot dog inside. Put the cheese and l...
Directions: Point to the circular wheels on the train and say "circle" out loud to your child. Have her repeat the word circle after you. Have her use a purple crayon to colo...
Directions: Looking at the first row draw a rectangle around the fish that is short. Draw a circle around the fish that is long. On the bottom color the short fish, then draw...