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Language Letter D

Directions: Have your child look at the letter D at the top of the page and say, "D, DUH". Have your child repeat after you. Ask her to trace the letter D on the first row fo...

Language Letter F

Directions: Point to the F and say "F, FUH". Point to the word fish and the picture of the fish and say "fish". Say the name of each picture together. Have your child raw a c...

Language Letter P

Directions: With your child, point to the letter P in the middle of the page. Say "P" and have your child repeat after you. Have her draw a circle around each letter P at the...

Language Left To Right

Directions: Show your child the two pictures below. First have her trace the lines from left to right with her pointer finger (starting at the green dot and stopping at the r...

Language Sign Language

Directions: Sit your baby on the floor so that he is facing you. Say the word animal out loud while showing your baby the sign for animal. If you have a stuffed animal, make ...

Language Top To Bottom And Curved Lines

Directions: Have your child use a crayon to trace the lines from top to bottom. Have her trace the curved line from left to right.

Language Letter F

Directions: Point to the fish and the word fish and say "fish". Have your child repeat. Point to the big letter F and say, "F, FUH". Have her repeat. Then have her trace the ...

Language Top To Bottom, Slanted Lines

Directions: Have your child start at the black dot and trace the straight lines from top to bottom using a brown crayon. Then have her trace the slanted lines from top to bot...

Language Letter K

Directions: Say the name of each of the four pictures (kitten, kite, key, and fork). Have your child draw a line from each K to each picture that starts with K, KUH using a b...

Language Letter K

Directions: Point to the letter K at the top of the page. Say "K, KUH". Point to the kitten and ask your child what it is. Then point to the word and say, "kitten". Have your...

Language Left To Right, Top To Bottom

Directions: Have your child trace the lines from left to right with an orange crayon starting at the black dots. Then have her trace each line below from top to bottom, start...

Language Curved Lines

Directions: Have your child start at the black dot and trace the four curved lines using a green crayon.