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Language Letter P

Directions: Point to the letter P and say "P, P U H". Ask, "Can you point to the letter P?" Give cue by pointing to each one. Next point to the blue plane below and say "blue...

Language Letter B

Directions: Have your child say the name of each picture. Using a pencil, have her draw a circle around the B in each name. Then ask her to draw a line under the object that ...

Language Letter P

Directions: Point to the red letter P and say "P, PUH". Have your child color, using a green crayon, each parrot that has the letter P on it. As he colors the birds with a P,...

Language Curved Lines

Directions: Show your child the pictures below. First have her trace the curved lines with her pointer finger (starting at the green dot and stopping at the red dot). Next ha...

Language Letter C

Directions: Say the letter "C". Say the sound it makes: "KUH". Have your child repeat after you. Have her look at each picture and circle each letter C in all four pictures u...

Language Letter P

Directions: Ask your child tell you the letter she sees at the top of the page: P. Say the letter sound "PUH"; have her repeat it. Then ask her for a word that starts with P:...

Language Letter B

Directions: Say the letter out loud: "B". Have your child repeat after you. Point to the word boat and say, "B, BUH, boat". Have her trace the letter B with a pencil. Then ha...

Language Letter C

Directions: Say "C" and have your child repeat after you. First have her trace the letter C with her pointer finger (starting at the green dot and stopping at the red dot). N...

Language Curved Lines

Directions: Have your child use a pencil to trace the curved lines above to get the cars to the other side. Then ask her to draw the rest of the curved lines below that are n...

Language Letter D

Directions: Have your child count the dogs in the picture. Ask her the beginning sound of the word dog: DUH. Have her color in all the paw prints that have the letter D, DUH.

Language Top To Bottom, Curved Lines

Directions: Have your child use a pencil to trace the straight lines from top to bottom. Then have her trace the curved lines from top to bottom.

Language Letter P

Directions: Point to the letter P and say "P, PUH". Have your child repeat after you. Ask your child to use a pencil to trace the letter P following the arrows 1, 2. Then hav...