Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Have her color in the kitten in the basket using brown, gold, and maroon crayons.
Directions: Get four boxes. (Shoe boxes work well). Number the boxes 1 to 4. Spread out the boxes on the ground. Explain that you will shout out a random number. When your ch...
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Tell her together you will fill in the words that are missing. All of the words rhyme with knee (sea, bee, me, be, see).
Directions: Give your child a beanbag. Ask her to place it between her legs and try to walk around the room without the beanbag falling to the floor. Give cues by telling you...
Directions: Ask your child to color each big train purple and each small train green. Then have him draw lines from each big train to each small train.
Directions: Have your child start at the number 1 and connect the dots to complete the rest of the train using a purple crayon. Next have her color the entire train purple.
Directions: Starting at the first picture, have your child use a pencil to circle one object in each of the four boxes. Trace and write the number 1 on the line below.
Directions: Have your child use lots of different colored crayons to color the fish and the underwater environment below.
Directions: With your child point and look at the picture of the sign for the word green. Say the word green out loud while showing your child the sign.
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Have her color the pugs below.
Directions: Ask your child to circle four objects together in a box using a pencil. Next have him trace the number 4 in each box and on the line. Then have him practice writi...
Directions: Have your child color the bottom of the boat red. Color the sail using white and red crayons. Use other colors to color in the sun and clouds.