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Social Emotional About Me

Directions: Look in a mirror with your child. Ask your child what color hair she has. Find a crayon color that best matches that color and have your child color in the boy's ...

Cognitive Rectangle

Directions: Point to the rectangles on the fish and say, "rectangle" out loud to your child. Have him repeat the word rectangle after you. Have him color in the rectangles us...

Creative Finger Painting

Directions: Give your child red and blue finger paint. Have her color the boats below, encouraging her to paint the entire picture.

Cognitive Rectangle

Directions: Point to the rectangle inside the dog and say "rectangle" to your child. Have her repeat the word rectangle after you. Have her use a black crayon to color in the...

Health & Care Monthly Development Log

Directions: Every month use the chart below to record your child's height, weight, and hairstyle. Don't forget his favorite color and song as well as any new words he has dis...

Cognitive Circle

Directions: Point to the circular windows on the plane and say "circle" to your child. Have him repeat the word circle after you. Have him color in the windows using a yellow...

Physical Walking While Balancing

Directions: Tie a string around a toy train. Place the toy train on the floor. Have your child walk around the house pulling the train behind him. Have him walk slowly and th...

Social Emotional Sign Language

Directions: With your child point to and look at the picture of the sign for family. Say the word family out loud while showing your child the sign.

Social Emotional Angry

Directions: Explain to your child the cat at the top has an angry face. Talk about why he might be angry; maybe somebody pulled its tail. Have your child show you his angry f...

Physical Walking

Directions: Have your child close her eyes ("Don't peek!"). Then hide an object (the "bone") in the room. Tell her when she opens her eyes to walk around and look for the obj...

Creative Red

Directions: With your child point to the little boat at the top of the page and say "red boat". Have her repeat after you. Have your child color the boat below using a red cr...

Creative Green

Directions: With your child, point to the picture at the top of the page and say "green car". Have him repeat after you. Have your child color the car below using a green cra...