Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child and have him color the picture.
Directions: Have your child count the dogs in the picture. Ask her the beginning sound of the word dog: DUH. Have her color in all the paw prints that have the letter D, DUH.
Directions: Have your child use a pencil to trace the straight lines from top to bottom. Then have her trace the curved lines from top to bottom.
Directions: Have your child point to the big train. Next have her point to the small train. Have your child use a purple crayon to draw a circle around the small train.
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Have him color the picture.
Directions: Explain to your child, "Manners help us learn to respect one another. Always say please when you ask someone for something. Always say thank you when someone give...
Directions: Have your child use a pencil. First have her circle all of the boxes that have two cars. Second, ask her to trace the number 2 in each box. Third, have her write ...
Directions: Show your child the picture below. Ask her to tell you what she sees the children sharing in the picture: a ball. Ask your child why the children are sharing. Giv...
Directions: Point to the letter P and say "P, PUH". Have your child repeat after you. Ask your child to use a pencil to trace the letter P following the arrows 1, 2. Then hav...
Directions: Have your child trace the letter F. Then read the phrase four fish aloud. Then have her trace the letters F in the phrase.
Directions: Have your child say the name of each picture. Then have her use a pencil to trace the letter P on each line.