Directions: With your child point to and look at the picture of the sign for please. Say the word please out loud while showing your child the sign.
Directions: When you anticipate that your baby is hungry, ask him, "Do you want some milk? Are you ready for some milk?" Sit your baby on your lap so that he is facing you an...
Directions: With your child point and look at the picture of the sign for the word green. Say the word green out loud while showing your child the sign.
Directions: Look in a mirror with your child. Ask your child what color hair she has. Find a crayon color that best matches that color and have your child color in the boy's ...
Directions: Look in a mirror with your child. Have her color her hair and hairstyle as she envisions it on the head below.
Directions: Point to the hair on the girl below and say, "brown hair". With your child look in a mirror and ask her to point to her hair. Tell your child the color of her hai...
Directions: Each time you prepare your baby for bed say "bed" out loud as you sign the word for bed. Do this as soon as you begin your bedtime routine and then again right be...
Directions: Network with other parents in your neighborhood or join a parents' group. Invite them over for a baby day, take a stroll in the park, or have a parent-baby outing.
Directions: With your child point to and look at the picture of the sign for family. Say the word family out loud while showing your child the sign.
Directions: Explain to your child the cat at the top has an angry face. Talk about why he might be angry; maybe somebody pulled its tail. Have your child show you his angry f...
Directions: Explain to your child that you are working on good manners. Using white paper, have her place both hands on the paper, thumbs touching. Trace her hands; then cut ...
Directions: Look at the pictures below and show your child how to make the sign for house.