
Rhythm in My Bones

Music is a vocal or instrumental sound that is combined or done separately to create a melody, harmony, or rhythm.


Michael is in his bedroom looking outside through the window. It’s raining. He puts on his headphones, closes his eyes, and starts singing “Itsy Bitsy Spider.” He sings it again, this time doing the actions with hi


This is a song Michael has sung in music class with his friends. By doing the actions and singing the song he demonstrates his ability to listen and understand. Singing reinforces the rhyme staying in his memory. This is how literacy and music come together. His ability to sing and chant will help develop language skills and auditory discrimination.

Your child enjoys listening to all musical styles.

Just hearing a specific type of music over and over does not seem to affect your child’s listening preferences, but your approval and support do have a positive influence on your child’s musical preferences. By nature, music is a social experience because it is shared with others as your child shows you how he sings, dances, or plays instruments.

Music is also an area of creative development that provides your child opportunities to enhance his cognitive thinking skills by providing practice in patterns, math concepts, and symbolic thinking skills.

As your child learns to distinguish different sounds in music, his thinking and memory skills will grow. Repeating songs he has heard before helps your child remember sounds and words in order for a certain amount of time.

These skills are learned through the enjoyment of music. For instance, many children’s songs have counting in them, such as “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe” or “Five Little Monkeys.” The rhythms of these songs make it easier for your child to absorb math concepts.

Singing is natural for your child. Parents frequently hear their child break into a song or chanting; these chants are not true songs but consist of repeated tones. Physical, rhythmic movement, such as walking, hopping, pounding, or rocking, may accompany singing and chanting (e.g. “Ants Go Marching”).

Don’t get too ahead of your child’s development at age three. Even though he breaks into spontaneous chants, he is still having difficulty carrying a tune.