Directions: Read the word at the top aloud, "four". Then have your child trace each number 4 starting at each of the black dots and following the arrows 1, 2. Have her count ...
Directions: Say the name of the shapes on the cat: "rectangle, square, and heart". Have your child trace the lines of the rectangle, square, and heart on the cat using a brow...
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child. Have her color the cat picture with different color crayons.
Directions: Have your child point to the plane down on the ground. Ask him to point at the plane up in the sky. Have him draw a line from the plane on the ground to the plane...
Directions: Have your child start at the black dot and trace the straight lines top to bottom using a black crayon. Then ask him to trace the curved lines top to bottom.
Directions: Ask your child to tell you what number she sees at the top of the page: four. With your help have her count all four of the boats. Then follow the arrows 1 and 2 ...
Directions: Sit with your child and show him the picture. Ask him what he sees in the picture. Explain to your child that having trash on the ground is bad for people and ani...
Directions: Ask your child to look at the number on the page and tell you what it is: number 3. Have him follow the arrows numbered 1, 2, 3 to trace the number 3 using a blue...
Directions: Have your child color the striped fish and the coral using red and yellow and orange crayons. Ask him to practice coloring inside the lines.
Directions: Ask your child to look at the long boats in the water. Then have her draw a circle around all of the short boats in the water.
Directions: Point to the dog at the top. Ask your child to say what color spots the dog has: "black". Have your child color all the spots black on the dogs using a black crayon.
Directions: Look in a mirror with your child. Have her color her hair and hairstyle as she envisions it on the head below.