Directions: Read the action rhyme below. Together with your child act out the actions your child (little bird) can do.
Directions: Together look at the picture in the box. Have your child stand next to you. Demonstrate squatting. Have him mimic you.
Directions: Look at the dogs below with your child. Ask your child to point to the big dog (give cue by pointing). Have your child color the big dog using a brown crayon. Nex...
Directions: Read the rhyme below to your child and have her color the picture. Then have her tell you what the cat is thinking, and you write it in the thought bubble.
Directions: With your child look at the picture. Ask your child to point to the boat that is in the water. Then have her point to the boat that is out of the water. Let her c...
Directions: Grab a piece of tissue. Have your child take a deep breath, hold the tissue about an inch from his face, and see if he can move it by blowing the air from his nos...
Directions: With your child look at the cats below. Ask your child to point to the cat on top (give cue by pointing). Next ask your child to point to the cat at the bottom. H...
Directions: Place blocks on the floor. Encourage your child's observation skills by describing blocks for him to find. Use words that help him focus on the color, for example...
Directions: While sitting together, hold your toddler's hand and together run her finger along the letter B. Point to the three colored boats and name them (green boat, blue ...
Directions: After a family meal simply ask your toddler to carry her plate to the sink. Be encouraging and give praise: "Can you be a really helpful big girl and carry your p...
Directions: With your child look at the trains below. Ask her to point to the big train (give cue by pointing). Have her color the big train using a purple crayon. Next ask h...
Directions: Point to the green bird and say "green bird". Have your child use a green crayon to color the bird below.