Mind & Body


Having three year olds participate in yoga gives them the ability to exercise both their bodies and minds.

Yoga encompasses the whole child by both strengthening the body and calming the mind to shape focus and build self-confidence. Through yoga, children are able to develop and foster more than just physical skills.

Yoga helps three year olds build problem-solving skills when testing their balance. They try to move their bodies and muscles in different ways until they find the best way to achieve the position.

Yoga also helps three year olds’ imagination and creativity skills. You can turn yoga into a story with your child and build language skills by having her name and sequence positions that go along with the storyline.

1. Happy Baby
Have your child lie on her back, pull her knees toward her belly, and then grab on to the outsides of her feet. Then tell her to open her knees as wide as her chest and press her feet into her hands. This pose is great for the spine, so it is important to instruct your child to keep her tailbone on the ground during this pose.

2. Butterfly Pose
This pose is great for opening the hips and a good stretch for the ankles. Remind your child to sit up straight. Pushing down on the knees or thighs with elbows as your child keeps her feet pressed together allows the hips to open up more.

3. Crescent Moon
This pose benefits the flexibility of the sides of the body. Help your child extend arms into the air and stretch fingertips of f to both sides, which will cause him to balance the weight of his chest while at the same time strengthening oblique muscles and stimulating flexibility.