Art forms such as drawing, painting, crafts, pictures, and videos are all visual arts.
Your child can use materials such as crayons, paint, play dough, clay, glue, tape, paper, and everyday objects found around the house, along with tools such as child-safe scissors, brushes, rolling pins, and cookie cutters to express her ideas.
Visual arts benefit growth in all areas of your child’s development. When your child describes what she has created she’s using language. When your child uses cause and effect to see what happens when she combines two colors of paint she is developing her problem-solving skills.
It is important to enable your child to express her own ideas through the visual arts. Think of ways you can nurture her creativity and self expression by letting her choose paint and crayon colors, asking questions about the colors she chooses, and discussing how she feels when she is painting or coloring a picture.
By playing an active role and praising your child’s art, you are allowing her to feel confident to continue to express herself through further visual arts activities.